USCCA CPL Instructor

USCCA Certified Instructor

Daniel Brewer

4 Universal Rules of Gun Safety

The 4 Universal Rules of Gun Safety

  1. Treat every gun as though it is loaded.

  2. Keep your finger off the trigger and outside of the trigger guard until you have decided to shoot.

  3. Do not point the muzzle of the gun at anything you aren’t willing to destroy.

  4. Know your target and what is beyond

We are dedicated to providing you with the best service possible to ensure you know the laws and have the skills to protect yourself and others in a “real life” situation… because YOU are your family’s Front Line Defender.

We can help you move into the firearms and self-defense community. Don’t wait until you or a loved one are the victim.

what are you looking for?

  • Introduction to firearms

  • Concealed Pistol License

  • Intermediate Defensive firearms training